Modified Nationals Here We Come!
Published on 10/03/2019

(((pd))) - dB contest- EMMA SPL
Yes! At this years modified Nationals.
The UK`s most popular SPL formats will all be together under one gigantic roof!
If you love bass then this will be one sound off that you will not want to miss.
With the largest collection of frighteningly loud Bass vehicles and super neat Show quality Audio cars in attendance, you`ll find it all a very cool experience and hopefully get a few ideas for your own builds.
If you`ve never had your system SPL tested then this is a perfect place to start.
We are a very friendly bunch and everybody is welcome to give any of the SPL formats a go.
With 3x SPL formats, each offering different types of dB testing, you will be getting a very good idea of just how well your sound systems can perform.
The dates and Venue:
Saturday 19th - Sun 21st April.
NAEC Stoneleigh Park, Stoneleigh, Kenilworth CV8 2LZ
All tickets, as usual, are to be purchased through Darren Millard of dB contest.
Many Thanks Darren Millard of dB contest and Andrew Ackerley of EMMA SPL for making this event happen :-)
Oh! And we will be testing 10Hz for those crazy enough to give it go ;-)